Friday, April 22, 2011

President Obama to Dr. Childs: We need to get Information to the Community

ON POINT! Saturday's a 4 p.m.
Join us Saturday for an amazing program!

by IBNN NEWSBlogTalkRadio’s ON POINT!

North Minneapolis businessman Dr. Timothy Childs has just returned from a trip to Washington, DC that included a dinner for him and his wife with President Obama. (Read more here)

Dr. Childs told IBNN NEWS in an exclusive interview that President Obama and his staff want to make sure that the broader community is receiving valuable information about programs in education, economic development ad health care.

Dr. Childs told IBNN NEWS, “This was an eye-opening experience. The president is truly concerned about things like the achievement gap. He has given me a mission to address disparities and report back on our progress.”

Dr. Childs is a  north Minneapolis businessman who operates a technology firm and a education foundation that assists inner city kids reach their goals and potential. The TCL Education Foundations president Ms. Yolanda Friday is looking forward to the challenges ahead.

Dr. Childs will be joining co-hosts Ronald A. Edwards and Don Allen on Saturday, April 23, 2011 at 4 p.m. to talk about his trip to Washington, DC and what means to the community in the Twin Cities.

"Tune in Saturday at 4 p.m. - it's no laughing matter..."

Also on Saturday’s show, we will look at the recent hiring trend that have excluded Black youth in favor of adults from the Hispanic-Latino community.

Join co-host Ronald A. Edwards and Don Allen on Saturday,  as we bust down the color barrier and explained what happened in White America that turned a simple after school job into a competitive position for Hispanic-Latino adult workers.

First of all, IBNN NEWS and it’s affiliates admire, respect and support Minnesota’s Hispanic-Latino population.

Saturday ON POINT! we will discuss what happen to areas like Lake Street, Broadway Avenue, University Avenue (St. Paul) as it relations to the influx of Hispanic-Latino workers and why in 2011 it’s hard to find a Black youth with a full time summer job at a fast food restaurant.

The trick of White supremacy in the 21st century is to create a Black-Brown conflict and get us to blame each other.

We will also discuss the Minneapolis Public Schools; the Northwest Area Foundation; The City, Inc and other local current events.

To tune in on Saturday at 4 p.m. (CST), click here or go to

This is a LIVE 90-minute call-in program. We welcome callers to join the conversation at 877-572-4288.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Part 4 – Hypocrisy by Design: North High School redesign meeting skewed by MPS oversight

Enough is enough! Some community members refuse to drink the kool aid from the Minneapolis Public Schools. Like the Noble Charter School fiasco, there is no “community buy-in” with the new design of North High School, simple because there’s been no information distributed in an intentional way by the faulty leadership of the Minneapolis Public Schools. One thing to remember, “The same conciseness that created the problems in the Minneapolis Public Schools certainly cannot solve the problems.” Just ask the North High School group what happened to the 125 freshmen? Are we to forget about that too?

Minneapolis, MN (IBNN NEWS/April 15, 2011)…Today at the new district headquarters job site, a Native American iron worker confirmed the iron/steel being used for the new building comes from Canada and China.

In a “celebration” that seems premature, and a move that is nothing more than pomp & circumstance, a steel beam to be signed by political hacks and faulty district officials with community members who attend , (if they got the information in advance which is highly unlikely).

Without answers on women and minority compliance, school district and political players will celebrate the beginning of construction on the $36 million Minneapolis Public Schools Educational Service Center by signing this 30-foot long steel beam, which will be installed along the front of the building, facing West Broadway Avenue.

I got a beam you can sign – with some good ideas where you can put it.

On hand for this lustrous event will be:

Mayor R. T. Rybak, MPS Superintendent Bernadeia Johnson, MPS School Board Chair Jill Davis, Council Member Don “Burn North High down” Samuels, State Senator Linda Higgins, State Representative Bobby Joe Champion and Tom Lander from Mortenson Development.

Still no information on women and minority goals – this is a misdirect from the Minneapolis Public Schools administration.

The Head Negro in Charge Syndrome: The Dead End of Black Politics

Al Sharpton's entrance into the 2004 Democratic presidential race is evidence of a decaying black political culture where ego trumps politics. It is the last gasp of a tradition that has been transformed over a generation from bold, effective and results-oriented politics to rhetoric and this book here.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Exclusive interview with Professor Nekima Levy-Pounds today on BlogTalkRadio’s ON POINT!

Professor Levy-Pounds and Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton
University of St. Thomas professor Nekima Levy-Pounds mixes it up with Ron and Don today on BlogTalkRadio’s ON POINT!

Co-hosts Ronald A. Edwards and Don Allen are pleased to welcome professor Nekima Levy-Pounds on-air LIVE today ON POINT!

Professor Levy-Pounds spoke at this week’s economic summit in north Minneapolis with Governor Mark Dayton looking on as she described the two Minnesota's: "One White, and one Black."

Professor Nekima Levy-Pounds is the director of the Community Justice Project (CJP), an award-winning civil rights legal clinic. The CJP is a part of the Interprofessional Center for Counseling and Legal Services. Levy-Pounds teaches and supervises law students as they use the law as a tool to advance the cause of social justice in poor communities of color through problem-solving, legal research and writing, community engagement and legislative advocacy. Levy-Pounds’ goal in founding the CJP was to take a more holistic approach to addressing complex issues affecting the poor and working poor.
Tune in today at 4 p.m. for the best news and information coverage in the Twin Cities diverse community.

To listen, go to

This is a live 90-minute call-in radio program. If you would like to comment or ask a question, please dial our toll-free number at 877-572-4288.

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