Star Tribune reporter Randy Furst, author of the recent article, “Our Black-White Jobless Gap: Worst in the Nation” joins co-hosts Ronald A. Edwards and Donald Allen for a conversation you won’t want to miss.
Minneapolis, MN.BlogTalkRadio (IBNN/ON POINT)…Join co-hosts Ronald A. Edwards and Don Allen for a comprehensive review of recent local economic trends that led city’s leading newspaper to publish an article deeming the city to be “”Worst In the Nation,” with regard to the Black-White employment gap.
ON POINT has also invited several other guests to join the conversation.Brooklyn Park mayoral candidate Wynfred Russell will discuss how he feels local politicians have failed the Black populations of Minnesota. Is there a way to motivate the complacent Negro leadership to actually get stuff done?
This special 90-minute program will feature news about the construction of the new Minneapolis Public School district headquarters, and whether or not the MPS board members, administration and equity and diversity personnel understand the real definition of “inclusion.”
Saturday’s other topics include:
Mark Dayton, Bobby Joe Champion, Jeff Hayden and the Democrats Dog andPony Show.
Minneapolis Department of Civil Right Shredding.
Minneapolis Public Schools Equity and Diversity Department no CBA.
Mortenson Constructions role in the new district headquarters.
The MPS“Fixer.”
Where’s Legacy Construction and 40%?
Why Minnesota’s Republican Party will pick up steam in the Black Community.
What happen to the separation between church and state?
We have an embarrassingly high drop-out rate in this country, scores of high school graduates who cannot complete their first year of college, and an antiquated curriculum designed to teach our children how to work assembly lines in factories that no longer exist, yet we are again engaged in “regime change.” Well at least the missiles are functional.
Minneapolis, MN. (IBNN NEWS/Editorial/March 20, 2011)…If you are like most people, the talk around the water cooler this week will focus on one issue: the bombing of Libya.
Some say the military attack on Libya is a triumph of the BushBush Doctrine. And critics have argued that while our current Nobel-Peace-Prize-winning president has purported to represent a major change in our foreign policy, Obama is just following in Bush’s footsteps. As Vice President CheneyVice President Cheney said in 2003: "If there is anyone who doubts the seriousness of the Bush Doctrine, I would urge that person to consider the fate of the Taliban in Afghanistan, and of Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq."
Cheney would surely argue that the Bush/ [Obama]Doctrine has put Gaddafi’s head on the chopping block as well. I say, well, not so fast. Gaddafi will not roll over without a fight, and this fight could end up being played out in America’s back yard.
Even more importantly, this latest military action is another waste of US taxpayer dollars. A single TomahawkTomahawk Missile costs nearly $570,000.
Just a few times the average teacher’s yearly salary.
Our $300 million dollar (as of 3-19-11) excursion into Libya could disrupt the funding stream for education at all levels. While I am a patriot who believes that American military action can be force for good, I wonder where the money to launch attacks on Africa is coming from during our current economic crisis. While local school districts cannot get the funding they need to give our children a high-quality education, it seems that America always has a budget to invade, attack and bomb another country.
The achievement gap and institutional racism seem to be on the very bottom of our list of national priorities. But addressing them would help solve some of the most important challenges we face as a country, in this country.
Wouldn’t it be great to have a ready-made budget to attack the achievement gap with no limits?
IBNNNEWS is based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America, and is Stringer for Allvoices
It seem as the Protestant rapture had come and gone leaving behind thousands of poor Blacks on rooftops waiting to be rescued from a non caring President and the rest of his non responsive back slapping department heads and agencies.
Rapture powered SUVs carried off Whites leaving New Orleans to poor Blacks to cope with Katrina and her aftermath.
What Katrina did was to uncover the filth and rot found around the block of one of the great vacation destinations of the world.
One only has to leave the beaten tourist path by walking around the block of Cancun to discover the blight of an undeveloped world.
Many of us have known about the plight of undeveloped countries but in the United States? Who would have believed the decay of the third world could be found in the richest country in the world.
The great vacation destination of Bourbon Street has for generations masked a condition found in third world countries where poor serve the rich that live and vacation in luxurious destinations.
This week, the undercarriage of one of America's finest cities was laid bare as if a knife had slashed an abdomen with entrails gushing forth onto the ground.
One can only surmise on the flight to New Orleans aboard Air Force One, the President was more concerned about the welfare of his small lap dog.
The President scrambled down the stairs of Air Force One with his small dog protected in his arm to be briefed; a briefing that could have taken place in Washington or on board Air Force One but instead was a photo op for the President.
If this had been a caring President, he would have flown into New Orleans the day after Katrina came and left. He would have plowed through waist high water to see the disaster left behind by Katrina and seen first hand the dire need of hundreds of thousands of poor Blacks who could not evacuate New Orleans for lack of resources to find themselves homeless, waterless, foodless, lacking medical services and not one portable toilet for people to defecate.
Countless dead bodies lay everywhere on sidewalks covered by a blanket or sheet waiting days for someone to provide transportation to a more appropriate place.
Poor Blacks struggled to survive and provide for family became frustrated and converted these feelings to vent their anger of being members of the other America.
Michael Brown, the blithering idiot in charge of FEMA - a job he trained for by running the International Arabian Horse Association - admitted he didn't know until Thursday there were 15,000 desperate, dehydrated, hungry, angry, dying victims of Katrina in the New Orleans Convention Center.
Was he sacked instantly? No, our President, holding his small Black dog, hailed him in Mobile, Ala.: "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job."
Representative Harold E. Ford Jr., Democrat of Tennessee, said in a statement he was struck by Mr. Bush's "cavalier attitude toward the plight of poor people across Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama" and added that "now is not the time in the face of pain, anguish and death to be weak and uncertain."
Terry Ebbert, the head of homeland security in New Orleans, bitterly complained on Thursday the Federal Emergency Management Agency was not offering enough help.
"This is a national emergency," Mr. Ebbert told The Associated Press. "This is a national disgrace. FEMA has been here three days, yet there is no command and control. We can send massive amounts of aid to tsunami victims, but we can't bail out the city of New Orleans."
Other Democrats cast Mr. Bush's first survey of the damage, from his window on Air Force One two days after the hurricane hit, as an imperial act removed from the suffering of the people below.
"It was not enough for the President to bank his plane and look at the window and say, 'Oh, what a devastating site,'" Senator Frank R. Lautenberg, Democrat of New Jersey, said in a statement on Thursday. "Instead of looking out the window of an airplane, he should have been on the ground giving hope to the people devastated by this hurricane."
This week, White America visibly turned its back on Black America.
It was not the first time.
For countless generations, America has turned its back on poor Black Americans. The sad fact is Americans live in two separate worlds. One world has every creature comfort and caters to its social group members. The other world is where poor Blacks live as evidenced by 50% of the New Orleans children who live in poverty. Children in poverty in Mississippi is almost as deplorable. Black Americans are in dire need of the basic requirements of food, shelter, medical care, and education that are the foundation of living in human dignity.
But no one among the Washington power brokers care for poor Black Americans. Not the President nor the white dominated congress. Nor congressional representatives of Louisiana and Mississippi who carried off pork for projects in affluent areas of Louisiana and Mississippi.
As early as 2004, New Orleans anticipated a breach of the levee could occur with a category 3 hurricane. Last year, the Army Corps of Engineers asked for $105 million for hurricane and flood programs for New Orleans. The White House carved it down to about $40 million.
In June 2004, Walter Maestri, emergency management chief for Jefferson Parish, stated, "It appears that the money has been moved in the President's budget to handle homeland security and the war in Iraq, and I suppose that's the price we pay. Nobody locally is happy that the levees can't be finished, and we are doing everything we can to make the case that this is a security issue for us."
Two months ago the Bush administration approved a $286.4 billion pork-filled highway bill with 6,000 pet projects, including a $231 million bridge for a small, uninhabited Alaskan island championed by Ted Stevens, the senior senator from Alaska and ranking Republican member of the powerful appropriations committee.
The 6,000 pet projects include insane non necessary projects whose only purpose is to serve the powerful congressional leaders as they provide "pork" barbeques to populations of voters back home.
The failure to appropriate $65 million to address levee maintenance in New Orleans will now have a $25 billion price tag. Rather than distribute federal funds where need is greatest, money buys votes: White votes.
Not only was the levee restoration money depleted by the Bush folly in Iraq; 30 percent of the National Guard and about half its equipment are in Iraq.
The crisis in New Orleans will have a ripple effect. The inevitable battery of official investigations into what went wrong could further erode support for the war in Iraq if it turned out that the deployment of National Guard units to Iraq had contributed to the slow response.
Bush keeps stating the US military will not leave Iraq until the Iraqis are trained to defend themselves.
The question I have: Who trained the insurgents? It appears the U.S. military trained Iraqi units are no match for the insurgents. The insurgents continue to kill American soldiers in Iraq. Our military fights heroically but our military will fight wherever and whomever the President of the United States tells them to.
The villain in this unjust war is President Bush. There never was a need to fight this war. For a moment, visualize no Iraq war but only a war on terrorism directed toward the capture of Osama bin Laden and the end of Al-Qaeda.
The death and wounding of American soldiers in Iraq is morally wrong and inhumane. Not nearly the equal cost of a human life but never the less, another casualty of the war in Iraq is the lack of funding for schools, medical services, job training, social services and infrastructure not only lacking in New Orleans but across the length of America.
Beyond that, some Republicans said the perception among some Blacks that the White House had been slow to respond because so many victims were poor and African-American undercut what had been one of the primary initiatives of the new Republican chairman, Ken Mehlman: making an explicit appeal for support among Black voters, a constituency that has traditionally been overwhelmingly Democratic.
"Given the racial component of this, and given the current political environment, there certainly seems to be a high level of risk to this story," said a Republican Party official, who, citing the concern among party officials about the criticism, would only discuss the question on the condition of not being identified.
But Mr. Bush, reflecting concern within the White House about the President's standing among Blacks, notably said in his radio address "we have a responsibility to our brothers and sisters all along the Gulf Coast, and we will not rest until we get this right and the job is done."
Someone should inform the President, brothers and sisters include poor Black Americans.
President Bush has boycotted the NAACP annual meeting every year he has been President of the United States.
You can bet the bank, the President will attend the 2006 Annual Convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People on July 15, 2006 at the Washington, D.C. Washington Convention Center.
Hopefully, the NAACP membership will see the Trojan Horse's true mission and will turn its back on White America.
Lastly, White America's membership is made up of both Democrats and Republicans.
Poor Blacks need to bond with other poor people in need. A coalition of neglected people need to bond together to elect true advocates for poor people.
I advocate a new party arise from the disaster of New Orleans. Black Americans should join with American Hispanics to forge a new political party: One America.
Third parties in the United States have not fared with success. Maybe the time has come to turn this country around to forge: One America.
Jon Garrido
Hispanic News
480 860 8600
“The City of Minneapolis’ Civil Rights director sat silent as she listened to what could probably turn out to be one of the worse violation of state and federal laws in Minnesota’s history as it pertains to prevailing wages and non-payment of salvage workers from the Network for Better Futures. Rather that sitting silent, Ms. Velma Korbel should have excused herself from the committee citing the violation and demanding an explanation and immediate corrective actions be taken. By the way, where is Legacy Construction?”
Watch the video below – why doesn’t the Black community qualify for pay?
Minneapolis, MN (Source: IBNN NEWS)… The Minneapolis Public Schools ESC New District Headquarters Oversight Committee held a meeting at the District Headquarters located at 807 Broadway Avenue NE on Thursday, March 10th at 5:30 p.m. – shocking revelations came to surface about a group of men, associated with a non-profit group that worked on the project for no payment at all.
Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry states, prevailing wages are the wages required to be paid on state-funded construction projects. If $5 bucks came from the state, the unpaid workers need to get paid…period!
Wage rates paid for comparable work are certified by DLI as the prevailing wage rates after the department conducts a survey of contractors, labor organizations and interested parties statewide. This information is furnished to entities covered by prevailing wage laws that are letting contracts for inclusion in their bid specifications.
The Minneapolis Public Schools – District 1 and Mortenson Construction clearly understand the consequences to what IBNN alleges as a blatant violation of federal and state law.
Wage rates are established for construction to include commercial construction, which is building projects exclusive of residential construction. This means the Educational Service Center salvage project done by the Network of Better Futures and unpaid workers qualify for payment immediately.
The Minnesota Constitution, Article I – Bill of Rights – Section 2 titled “Rights and Privileges” says, “No member of this state shall be disfranchised or deprived of any of the rights or privileges secured to any citizen thereof, unless by the law of the land or the judgment of his peers. There shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude in the state otherwise than as punishment for a crime of which the party has been convicted.”
The original demolition bid does include ALL work done at the site. Which means anyone who “worked” on the site, by law should be paid. Without payment, this amounts to Slavery.
How was it that 728 man-hours worked by personnel from the organization Network for Better Futures was not compensated based on Davis Bacon or prevailing wage federal and state regulations?
If anyone on the construction site for the two-weeks Mortenson representative Lynne Littlejohn speaks of received any compensation, workers from the NFBF are owed the same.
Mortenson Construction and representatives from the Educational Service Center’s Oversight Committee have not given full disclosure on which minority contractors have received or awarded contracts, nor have they provided dollar amounts of the mysterious awards. Mortenson/Thor Construction cites Women and Minority Participation currently at 45%, according to a document dated March 4, 2011. IBNN alleges this is not the case based on workers-on-site, payroll information and the inclusion of workers from a non-profit agency who did not receive payment.
One item of concern is were does Legacy Construction and president Archie Givens fit in. At a June 10, 2010 community meeting at the Capri Theater in north Minneapolis, Givens stated that he was in on the deal (new district headquarters construction) for 40%. Year-to-date, no documents have been provided to establish a connection between Mortenson/Thor and Legacy – which could mean Legacy is nothing more than a “pass-through” for minority goals on this project.
The blog, Construction Adviser Today reports, “Subcontractor “pass-through” claims, sponsored by a prime contractor against a public project owner, are both useful and controversial. A pass-through claim results from a claim liquidation agreement between the prime and the sub. The prime agrees to pursue the project owner, at the prime’s expense, for the subcontractor’s increased costs. The prime will pass through the recovery, if any, to the sub. In return, the sub agrees to accept only what the prime is able to recover from the owner and otherwise hold the owner harmless. The prime seemingly cares little about the entitlement, the accuracy of the quote or for that matter much of anything other than the modest mark up associated with the possible yield.
But pass-through claims are not viewed favorably in all circles. They expose public entities to liability to parties that never received a public contract. A recent Tennessee case held that pass-through claims are not allowed in that state.
This could possibly be the worse example of contract negligence in Minneapolis’ history, second only to the Minneapolis Department of Civil Rights Contract Compliance Unit.
The Educational Service Center project, or known in the community has the New Minneapolis Public Schools Headquarters Project is flawed in community engagement to include women and minority contractor outreach, community benefits agreements and a total disregard for homeowners who are concerned about a process that has not been informative or inclusive.
The Educational Service Center Oversight Committee must call an emergency meeting and take corrective actions.
(Source: CBS News) With state after state confronting massive budget problems, several governors have been looking to extract whatever they can from public employees like teachers, going after benefits packages and guaranteed job security that unions have won for them. But would teachers be willing to give up those protections for a chance to earn a lot more money?
There's a school in New York City that's trying to prove just that. It's a bold new experiment in public education called "TEP," which stands for The Equity Project, a charter school that is publicly funded but privately run. It's offering its teachers $125,000 a year - more than double the national average.
TEP aims to prove that attracting the best and brightest teachers and holding them accountable for results is the essential ingredient to a school's success. Could this school become a national model for the future of public education? That's the $125,000 question.
"Just like the March 30th, Economic Summit, the Black community of the Twin Cities has seen this before. The story below was originally done on November 20th, 2009. Somethings never change."
On Saturday, November 21, 2009 an African American Leadership Forum was held at General Mills. The group of hand-picked, like-minded participants will insure that Black Minnesotans will achieve the same status-quo engagement while non-profit “fat cats” receive funding that never makes it past the agencies doors.
In the case of the now lack-luster Northway Community Trust who granted an out-of-town agency $50,000 for a survey of businesses on Broadway Avenue who never delivered a report – is one of the examples of Northwest Area Foundations “community engagements.”
The following email was sent to Northwest Area Foundations Gary Cunningham and President Kevin Walker:
Dear Mr. Cunningham and others,
I am writing to express my disdain for being lied to by you and the Foundation you represent regarding the African-American Leadership Forum tomorrow (11/21) at General Mills.
Northwest Area Foundation continues to overlook the community members who strive for social change aggressively and who are outspoken about social issues, when we are the people fighting in the trenches on a daily basis. You promised in previous emails sent directly to me, that you would invite me and Mr. Edwards to this “leadership” meeting for a chance to dialog and observe the process.
Today, I spoke with Alfred Babington-Johnson from the Stairstep Foundation and Trista Harris from Headwaters Foundation and “hand-picked” participants to attend a “leadership forum” to be held on Saturday, November 21, 2009 starting at 7 a.m. and once again, you have overlooked inviting major activists in the Twin Cities and people who could create real change.
By working with those you feel comfortable with, lends itself to collusion, corruption and no results to no successful measurable outcome for the community.
I ask that the Northwest Area Foundation and others connected abide to principles of full disclosure and distribution of information to community stakeholders that may have additional view or opinions about the process and how it affects our community.
Our community has sat by for years and watched local non-profit agencies be gifted with funding from General Mills and others – do you realize none of this funding makes it to the lower 1/3rd of the underserved community. Businesses that have been created have failed at a catastrophic rate where is the accountability?
Mr. Cunningham – You have failed to invite individuals with opposing views – that have solutions and a process with a proven track record to assist changing the face of despair and hopelessness for African-Americans in Minnesota.
This is open letter is a request for full disclosure and the opportunity to participate.
Very best regards,
Donald W.R. Allen,II – IBNN
Ronald Edwards – National Research Institute/Rondex Group
# # # Nuff said – for now.
by Tara Kyle March 29, 2010 08:20 AM (PT) Topics: Race And Ethnicity
When the National Urban League released its annual State of Black America report last week, its message had the unpleasant flavor of familiarity.
At a D.C. press conference, vice president of research Dr. Valerie Rawlston Wilson read directly from the League’s inaugural 1976 report, citing an urgent need for job creation.
“There is a sense of déja vu, particularly back in 1975 when the economy dipped and declined,” the League’s president and CEO Marc H. Morial told The Root.
Back in the mid-70s, when an oil crisis prompted the last great recession, the poverty rate among African Americans hovered above 30 percent. Over the course of that decade, the number of African Americans living in extremely poor inner-city neighborhoods grew by 164 percent, in contrast to just 24 percent for whites. (By comparison, the African American poverty rate was about 25 percent in 2008, before the worst of the recession took hold, according to the Census Bureau.)
In 2009, black unemployment neared 15 percent, compared to nine percent of whites. That’s far above the 1990s low of seven percent. It’s also nearly four times higher than Morial’s target rate of four percent.
Not only are African Americans disproportionately impacted by unemployment, but they also make up a disproportionate share of people out of work from six months or upwards of a year, according to a March report by Congress’s Joint Economic Committee.
The Urban League’s proposed solution — $168 billion in federal spending over two years toward direct job creation, expansion of the Small Business Administration’s loan program, the creation of green empowerment zones, expanded hiring of housing counselors nationwide and expanded summer jobs programs for youth — doesn’t focus on African Americans exclusively. Instead, it is aimed at all communities battling chronic unemployment.
People in these areas, which are also heavily Hispanic, tend to lack the education and job skills to get back on their feet speedily. That’s why Morial believes Obama’s recently signed $38 billion jobs bill, which includes tax breaks and spending for transit programs, doesn’t provide enough of the right kind of aid.
The Urban League faces a tough political battle in selling that kind of investment to a cash-poor Congress. But as we try to crawl out of the economic crisis, we ought to remember that communities disproportionately hurt by the recession will need a disproportionate boost toward recovery.
Photo credit: Planet Love
Tara Kyle is a multimedia reporter/producer whose stories have appeared in FLYP Media, PBS Online NewsHour, and The Real Deal. She won a 2008 Webby Award.
State Representatives Bobby Joe Champion (58B) and Jeff Hayden have decided that community members are not good enough to speak with Mr. Dayton in an open community forum. The duo has developed a list of the ‘Right Negros’ to speak at the forum. The line between public servants and event planners has been mucked up.
Minneapolis, MN (March 9, 2011)…On March 30, 2011 sources tell IBNN NEWS that Governor Mark Dayton will descend like a deity upon north Minneapolis to hold a community forum. (Currently the event is in the planning stages. It seems the 200 seat UROC will be the location to have Negro control.)
It seems state representatives Bobby-Joe Champion (58B) and Jeff Hayden (61B) are dabbling in event planning while their constituents still struggle with unemployment, homelessness, education challenges and having to decide between gas or food. No word from Champion on jobs associated with the light rail projects, but north Minneapolis residents continue to be bombarded by community meetings with the Northside Transportation Network who’s mission thus far is to have a community “fair” about light rail. “How does that address jobs?” (More non-profit folly.)
This comes as no surprise as the dynamic duo continue to hold Town Hall meetings to “warn” community members that the Republican Party is out to take-away all funding for social issues. Still no explanation from Champion or Hayden on what happened to the $30.8 billion dollars from the state when the Democrats were in control of the state legislature.
Governor Mark Dayton coming to north Minneapolis is wonderful, overdue and necessary for the community to get the opportunity to ask Mr. Dayton important questions about Education, Economic Development and jobs. The only problem is, community members are not the focus of this forum.
In a four page document leaked to IBNN NEWS, it shows a list of Black Minnesotans who for the most part don’t live in Minneapolis; Secondly have done little to nothing to change the plight of Black Minnesotans and have become a top-of-mind “window dressing” when the “right Negros” are needed to speak.
It’s very clear that the Democratic Party in Minnesota does not want to address any difficult issues by the formatting of this forum.
The effort by Champion and Hayden to present the “right Negros” to Governor Dayton creates a huge problem to the duo in their plans to cut community members out of the conversation. IBNN NEWS observed this same process at Sabathani over two-weeks ago with the Minnesota commissioner of education.
At this point in time Champion and Hayden need to bring their Republican counterparts into the community to have an open dialog. The Republicans at the state capital are eager to address the needs of the community, but are being portrayed as pirates.
On a personal note, Rep. Champion (58B) must facilitate a community meeting with his replacement on the Transportation Policy and Finance Committee for 2011-2012, that meets on Mondays at 12:30 p.m. in Room 5 of the State Office Building and Wednesdays at 12:30 p.m. in the Basement Hearing Room of the State Office Building. Committee Chair Michael Beard (R) and Vice Chair Mark Murdock (R) have a different story to tell the community about Transportation including the light rail projects and jobs which both Champion and Hayden have declined to comment on.
On Saturday, March 12, 2011 at 4 p.m.,(CST), the Ron and Don show will discuss the recent events that have a planning committee “selecting” who gets to address Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton at a community meeting. The snobbish, elitist politicians who are organizing this “community meeting” risk a recall from constituents in 58B and 61B, some of the poorest people in the United States.
State Representatives Bobby Joe Champion (58B) and Jeff Hayden (61B) have decided that community members are not good enough to speak with Mr. Dayton in an open community forum. The duo has developed a list of the ‘Right Negros’ to speak at the forum. The line between public servants and event planners has been mucked up.
ON POINT will also cover Thursday’s (3/10) Minneapolis Public Schools Oversight Committee for the new district headquarters. The community of Minneapolis was invited to give input about participation; outreach; diversity; and equity. The only problem, the emails about the meeting were only sent out to the press. Parents, Educators, and administrators had no idea this meeting was being held. Only three private citizens showed up.
ON POINT will also have breaking news on global current events. ON POINT is a live call-in show, we invite listeners to call in and participate by dialing our toll-free number at (877) 572-4288. Tune in Saturday at 4 p.m. (CST) to ON POINT!