Sunday, May 8, 2011

Gun & Gang violence is the case…Minneapolis solutions are a waste: It’s only just begun!

The solution to community and gang violence in Minneapolis is simple fix. The powers that be have made bad choices in programming, people, preparation and  processes. To fix this problem would be to create a fair playing field in Minneapolis for a race of people. Is the City of Minneapolis political infrastructure willing to take action by using the experts in-house rather than trying to  import someone else’s program to Minneapolis with folks that don’t have a clue about what’s happening here. “Didn’t the city just do that with Operation CeaseFire? (How much money was spent to fly folks back and fourth for a program that created a mini drug cartel by paying thugs who only turned in crackheads while they brought and sold drugs?)

by Donald W.R. Allen, II – Editor in Chief/IBNN NEWS and Black Politics in Minneapolis

Latest death headlines:

Star Tribune:
18-year-old shot in north Minneapolis dies; 2 other teens arrested |
Minneapolis violence ends another young life
KARE 11 News: Man dies from gunshot wound in Minneapolis |

Minneapolis, MN (IBNN NEWS/May 6, 2011)…Let us start by revisiting Operation Cease Fire, or the many campaign dog and pony shows put on by Minneapolis city officials. Then again – let’s not.

Within one week, three shootings; two Black youth dead, (more will die) – two Minneapolis city council members and well funding programs that aren’t working who are stuck-on-stupid like they’re on Crack.

Well if this is the best the City of Minneapolis can do, it’s not working. In all fairness, the responsibility for the violence also falls on the Black community.

Back in the late 70′s and 80′s, the city of Minneapolis funded groups of Black males that were on the streets talking to the youth about a different way of life. A life of education, opportunity and a future. Since that time of milk and honey, someone let political plantation politics get in the way of old fashion, “Meet em on their turf policy.”

In 2011, Minneapolis is pacing ahead of last years homicides – and their plenty of blame to go around – but the most important piece to focus on is the political plantation positioning versus the real grassroots, in the street community engagement.

I’m convinced at this point that all funding to Shiloh International Ministries gang intervention programs should be shutdown and redirected to a new, pro-active group of men and women who see the problem and will address it head on. While I am a believer in God and prayer, it’s also important to do the work. (That’s what the bible says.)

Faith-based initiatives have only gone one-third of the way. After organizations are comfortable collecting from the county and city coffers for ill-ran programs that have no level of accountability, the fiscal year is over; reports are due; no official check-in of successful measurable results by local 501(c)3 agencies tasked to address violence among a race of people who have been systematically disenfranchised by a weak mayor-strong council system which puts the need for a Bike Shop over the need to have adult Black male role models in the streets seven days a week in Minneapolis.

Then we have what I call “The Sitting Pretty Non-Profits “who can wiggle their way out of a mission simply because who they associate with. For example, the Peace Foundation led by Minneapolis city councilman Don Samuels wife, Sondra repositioned the Peace Foundation who’s objective and past praise as been for addressing and reducing crime. Now, with a name change and a focus on education as the Northside Achievement Zone or NAZ, they responsibility of addressing violence is shunned off on someone else.

Let’s not forget the mainstream media.

The Star Tribune, KARE 11, WCCO-TV and others virtually have a news blackout when Black-on-Black crime happens. But when a victim dies – the news of the death makes it to the pages of these bigoted, self-serving, White ran media outlets who care nothing about the plight of Black people in Minneapolis (like Minnesota Public Radio), but might sell another hundred papers or get another unique monthly hits on their website by sensationalizing an untimely death. (See links above this post.)
Where is the news from the Twin Cities Black Journalist organization? The group remains silent because most of the members work for “The Man!” To bad, freedom is liberating.

Summer 2011…Don’t shoot!

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