Monday, December 22, 2014

The Black Conservative: Bev Randles, African-American Republican Running f...

Editors Note: Don't expect the bastards running the NAACP to support a black person running as a Republican. The trolls in Baltimore have shown their true Democratic colors and have abandoned best practices across the United States. (See Minneapolis NAACP).

Bev Randles is a true Missouri success story.
The Black Conservative: Bev Randles, African-American Republican Running f...: Bev Randles is a true Missouri success story.                         

Raised in Sikeston, Missouri, the seventh of twelve children, Bev learned early in life the value of a strong work ethic and the benefits of a good education. Bev’s father was a farmhand and his knowledge of how to work the land was passed down to her and her siblings as they grew up working in Southeast Missouri’s cotton fields at an early age.

While neither of Bev’s parents had an education past the ninth grade, Bev was motivated to earn her high school diploma and graduated as the valedictorian of her Scott County Central High School Class in 1990. Bev went on to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree in English, graduating Cum Laude, from Murray State University in 1994.

Bev is also a graduate of the University of Missouri – Columbia School of Law. Upon graduation, she joined Shook, Hardy & Bacon, Kansas City’s largest law firm, where she was a litigator in the firm’s National Product Liability Division. During her years at Shook, Bev represented several Fortune 500 companies, defending cases throughout the country and advising on public policy matters. She was also an active member of the firm’s Diversity Committee. As a Diversity Committee member, she facilitated diversity trainings for other lawyers, recruited and mentored numerous attorneys, and created liaisons between Shook and local law schools to increase the firm’s pool of women and minorities.

In 2008, Bev began writing and giving speeches about how the Republican Party can win back minorities and disenchanted voters in the current political climate. She has spoken to numerous Republican, conservative, and tea party organizations on this topic, including at the Missouri Lincoln Days in 2010 and the National Pachyderm Conference in 2011.

Read the full story here. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

A Case Study of Board Nonfeasance: Community Action of Minneapolis - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

A Case Study of Board Nonfeasance: Community Action of Minneapolis - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Last Friday, state officials showed up at Community Action of Minneapolis and seized financial records and computer hardware. By 11am, the agency had shut down, leaving programs closed and employees without jobs.
A little late to the party, two members of the board who were appointed by the Minneapolis City Council joined Rep. Keith Ellison (DFL-MN) and a few other Community Action board members in tendering their resignations. How they think that their ex post facto resignations will alleviate them of responsibility for their fiduciary oversight or lack of it in the events that led to the devastating audit released by the Department of Human Services in August, we’re not sure.
A Community Action board member named Manuel Rubio acknowledged to the press, “There is so much that we did not know about.”

Monday, September 22, 2014

Star Tribune accurately reports on wasteful nonprofit spending and political bullying by state senators

Star Tribune accurately reports on wasteful nonprofit spending and political bullying by state senators

Remember, this is not about “bashing” black men and women who get caught with their hands too deep in the cookie jar. This is about accountability. Anyone who misdirects this fact is one of those involved in receiving gains from keeping black people in poverty. Remember, the poor minority community in the Twin Cities is a cash crop for a handful of nonprofit poverty pimps who for the most part don’t live within five-miles of north Minneapolis who take up residence in Woodbury, Edina, Minnetonka, Bloomington, Eagan, Apple Valley and Rosemount.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Black America and The Common Good | Change the Game

Black America and The Common Good | Change the Game
Political pundits love to claim the resistance to Barack Obama has to do with his race. If a black man hadn't been elected as President, the Tea Party wouldn't exist.  Al Gore is the reason the Tea Party exists, he created the internet and social media created the Tea Party.

The little people, with no government lobbyist, Super PACs, or mega donors, could insert themselves into the conversation. And with a few re-tweets, shares, and likes, they could change the game. The Tea Party knew they weren't going to win every fight but at least now they felt like they had a fighting chance.

Black America, we have a fighting chance.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Cornel West: “He posed as a progressive and turned out to be counterfeit. We ended up with a Wall Street presidency, a drone presidency”

Cornel West: “He posed as a progressive and turned out to be counterfeit. We ended up with a Wall Street presidency, a drone presidency”

Cornel West (Credit: Albert H. Teich via Shutterstock)

No, the thing is he posed as a progressive and turned out to be counterfeit. We ended up with a Wall Street presidency, a drone presidency, a national security presidency. The torturers go free. The Wall Street executives go free. The war crimes in the Middle East, especially now in Gaza, the war criminals go free. And yet, you know, he acted as if he was both a progressive and as if he was concerned about the issues of serious injustice and inequality and it turned out that he’s just another neoliberal centrist with a smile and with a nice rhetorical flair. And that’s a very sad moment in the history of the nation because we are—we’re an empire in decline. Our culture is in increasing decay. Our school systems are in deep trouble. Our political system is dysfunctional. Our leaders are more and more bought off with legalized bribery and normalized corruption in Congress and too much of our civil life. You would think that we needed somebody—a Lincoln-like figure who could revive some democratic spirit and democratic possibility.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

A Black Man is Killed in the U.S. Every 28 Hours by Police

A Black Man is Killed in the U.S. Every 28 Hours by Police

Police officers, security guards, or self-appointed vigilantes extrajudicially killed at least 313 African-Americans in 2012, according to a recent study. This means a black person was killed by a security officer every 28 hours. The report notes that it's possible that the real number could be much higher.
The report, entitled "Operation Ghetto Storm," was conducted by the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, an antiracist grassroots activist organization. The organization has chapters in Atlanta, Detroit, Fort Worth-Dallas, Jackson, New Orleans, New York City, Oakland, and Washington, D.C. It has a history of organizing campaigns against police brutality and state repression in black and brown communities. Their study's sources included police and media reports along with other publicly available information. Last year, the organization published a similar study showing that a black person is killed by security forces every 36 hours. However, this study did not tell the whole story, as it only looked at shootings from January to June 2012. Their latest study is an update of this.
- See more at:

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

50 Years of Mischief: The Triumph and Trashing of the Civil Rights Act

50 Years of Mischief: The Triumph and Trashing of the Civil Rights Act

July 2 marks the 50th anniversary of the most famous Civil Rights Act in U.S history. Passed after the longest debate in congressional history, the Civil Rights Act (CRA) promised to secure justice for all regardless of race, color, creed, sex, or national origin. As I wrote in Race and Liberty: The Essential Reader, the law “was understood to mean ‘colorblindness’ by nearly every observer at the time.” The plain meaning of the act might be summed up as: “Nondiscrimination. Period.”
Supporters of the Civil Rights Act did everything in their power to make the language plain, clear and strong: one key clause stated:
“Nothing contained in this title shall be interpreted to require any employer . . . to grant preferential treatment to any individual or to any group because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin . . . .”
A chief sponsor of the law, Senator Hubert Humphrey (D-MN), rejected the “bugaboo” of preferences or quotas by stating “If the senator [opposing the act] can find . . . any language which provides that an employer will have to hire on the basis of percentage or quota related to color, race, religion, or national origin, I will start eating the pages one after another, because it is not in there.”
In 1964, opponents predicted that a governmental push for racial outcomes was bound to occur, regardless of the plain language of the act. After all, the principle of a government limited by respect for individual liberty had always been flouted by those in power—including segregationist opponents of the law who now acted “shocked! shocked!” that the government might treat individuals differently based on race. This was sheer hypocrisy coming from those who defended racial discrimination by state governments.
Yet, hypocrisy aside, fifty years experience has shown that the CRA did lead, almost immediately, to the bureaucratic creation of racial categories (“check boxes”) used to further discriminatory treatment by a government seeking pre-determined outcomes in hiring, college admissions, contracting, voting, and much more. Attacking real or perceived private inequalities with governmental power, policymakers forgot that discrimination by government—however well-intentioned—is worse than private discrimination. Mindful of this distinction, those filing a brief in the Brown v. Board case (1954), stated that “segregation is unconstitutional because invoking ‘the full coercive power of government” . . . it acts as no other force can to extend inequality. . . .” Ten years later, bureaucrats rushed ahead with piecemeal social engineering, unmindful of this key distinction and in direct contradiction of the Civil Rights Act. How could the broad colorblind consensus of July 1964 dissipate so quickly?
Perhaps it was because the act seemed to augur swift change in social and economic relations—perhaps too swift in too short a time. Thus, that bright moment of multiracial harmony went up in the smoke of riot-torn cities and ever-more radical assertions by minority activists that “[their] groups were more equal than others”—so it must be, they argued, to make up for the past when “some groups (native-born whites, men) were “more equal.” Two wrongs would make it all right.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Ron and Don Show: Minneapolis' 2014 Summer of Death

Join the team of Ronald A. Edwards and Don Allen on the #BlogTalkRadio program The Ron and Don Show tonight (Wednesday 6.4.14 at 8:30 p.m.). To listen to the show live, click here now


The city of Minneapolis must learn when you call the same people to the table over-and-over again to address the Minneapolis killing spree of children under 21; there must be a new perspective. So far, the dead bodies keep showing up in the morgue, victims of shootings that could have been avoided with the right opportunities currently not available in Minneapolis.

Our bland, antiquated black leaders, with the exception of Mr. KG Wilson are out to make a quick buck versus addressing the needs of the many young lives, buried deep in the black dirt.

Tonight we talk about the violence and why the city of Minneapolis will have the a killing filed for the summer of 2014.
 If there are no opportunities, the city and schools are responsible.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Dana Loesch: Cliven Bundy not ‘media trained’

Dana Loesch: Cliven Bundy not ‘media trained’

Loesch suggested liberals are trying to distract from government overreach. |
"Loesch, who has defended the Nevada rancher on her website and on Fox News, on Thursday suggested that The New York Times coaxed an unseasoned public figure into a tangential discussion about race. They did, but he's still and idiot. 

Read more:

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