Monday, September 22, 2014

Star Tribune accurately reports on wasteful nonprofit spending and political bullying by state senators

Star Tribune accurately reports on wasteful nonprofit spending and political bullying by state senators

Remember, this is not about “bashing” black men and women who get caught with their hands too deep in the cookie jar. This is about accountability. Anyone who misdirects this fact is one of those involved in receiving gains from keeping black people in poverty. Remember, the poor minority community in the Twin Cities is a cash crop for a handful of nonprofit poverty pimps who for the most part don’t live within five-miles of north Minneapolis who take up residence in Woodbury, Edina, Minnetonka, Bloomington, Eagan, Apple Valley and Rosemount.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Black America and The Common Good | Change the Game

Black America and The Common Good | Change the Game
Political pundits love to claim the resistance to Barack Obama has to do with his race. If a black man hadn't been elected as President, the Tea Party wouldn't exist.  Al Gore is the reason the Tea Party exists, he created the internet and social media created the Tea Party.

The little people, with no government lobbyist, Super PACs, or mega donors, could insert themselves into the conversation. And with a few re-tweets, shares, and likes, they could change the game. The Tea Party knew they weren't going to win every fight but at least now they felt like they had a fighting chance.

Black America, we have a fighting chance.

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