Monday, May 3, 2021

Why all the shooting in Minneapolis and St. Paul?

This weekend in St. Paul, I heard more sirens than I’ve ever heard in a city with solvable challenges but without the people that understand follow-through. 

By Don Allen, Senior Editorial Columnist - Our Black News 
May 3, 2021 (4:51 PM - CST). 

Minneapolis/St. Paul (Minn.) –By now you’ve heard the news; another black boy shot in north Minneapolis. In St. Paul, several people shot, and the notorious party-house gets riddled with bullet holes. 

The mayors of both cities haven’t a clue; nobody is talking to anyone outside of their DFL circles who might have solid solutions. This is where the failure begins and where the headcount of dead Black men and women will rise. It’s already happening already; more than 17-women shot and consistent gunfire in both hubs. Per capita, the Twin Cities is in pace with Chicago based on the population of Little Chicago (Mpls/St. Paul) - and what's the deal opening up 38th and Chicago? 

The sad unfortunate truth with many Black people who are from poor urban areas is that they fail to accept responsibility for their own actions and constantly blame the system for their oppression. Instead of blaming everybody else for a pitiful and pathetic social collapse, and using ‘race’ as the prime excuse, you should try to be more forthright in addressing the issues and problems that are disrupting and corrupting our communities. It's not them, it's us! 

Millions of Black men and women are being killed by other Black men and women every year…

1) Why is this not being protested against so profusely?

2) Why aren’t “BLM” taking to the streets to speak on the plenty unlawful murders of Black youths by other Black youths?

3) Why aren’t persistent, major steps being taken to prevent the devastating gun violence that affects the hundreds-of-thousands of Black neighborhoods across the country and has been doing so for decades? (Taking weapons away never solves anything.) 

4) Why isn’t this very same anger, rage, and frustration they show to the police force being shown to the multitude of street gangs that plague Black inner cities and that are helping to destroy and obliterate your very own people who you so passionately claim need “justice” and need “protecting”?

5) Why isn’t president Joe Biden or Vice President Kamala Harris addressing this tragedy rather than inciting race wars? 

This is why the overall Black American community will never progress into what it needs to be and why? In 2021, decades after the civil rights movement, the “White Male” is still being blamed for their social/political/economic/professional trials by the Liberals.

Ultimately, if one dresses like a thug and behaves like a thug and they choose to disobey the law, society has every right to treat you like the thug that you have made yourself out to be because this world owes you absolutely nothing in return.

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